All conditions are included in the booking form download
1. Insurance
The Bromley Camp Site’s insurance covers loss or damage due to fires and storms to the permanent buildings, and the Main Marquee owned by us.
It does NOT cover:
a. Damage to buildings, marquees , tents or equipment due to carelessness or vandalism.
b. Consequential loss e.g. loss of food due to power failure or breakdown of equipment.
c. Loss or damage of hirer’s property or equipment.
If wilful damage should be caused to equipment by persons not known to the hirer e.g. an intruder, the hirer must inform the Police and obtain a crime reference number otherwise Bromley Camp Site are unable to claim against their insurance and the repair costs will be charged to the hirer.
2. Equipment
General equipment
We consider that the equipment provided is more than sufficient for the numbers quoted. However, it is important that breakages and shortages are made good so that following camps will have a full Inventory. We appreciate camps bring their own equipment as well, but can you be careful that you only take home with you what you brought.
In the event of blankets being soiled, they should be properly cleaned and laundered in time for the next hirer.
All deficiencies should be reported to the Camp Site representative. The Camp Site representative will make checks on handover.
These will be wired for electric light and equipment consuming no more than 2 kilowatts in total. Should you wish to use electrical equipment in the marquee please use the socket(s) provided and ensure all items connected to them have been fully PAT tested and have full earth leakage protection.
ON NO ACCOUNT MUST THE INSTALLED WIRING BE TAMPERED WITH IN ANY WAY. Bromley Camp Site cannot accept any responsibility for damage or injury caused by not following these conditions.
Ridge Tents
Bromley Camp Site set up the site at the start of the season and due to Insurance conditions, particularly with regard to fire precautions, the ‘set up’ of the camp (i.e. position of tents) must not be altered.
Where additional tents are booked by a camp these may already be erected but if not the hirer is expected to erect them in line with the existing layout with sufficient spacing and strike at the end of their camp unless otherwise instructed.
Only tents supplied by Bromley Camp Site are permitted on our site. Mobile caravans, motor homes, private tents or any other such temporary accommodation are NOT permitted on the site without prior written approval and Bromley Camp Site will levy an additional charge. All occupants of such accommodation must be included in the total numbers attending the camp. This is a stipulation made by our Landlord, the farmer.
Care of Marquees and Ridge Tents
• Please do not drive pegs into the ground so that removal becomes impossible. Spare pegs are made available, but if used excessively an additional charge may be levied.
• All guy ropes should be checked regularly, (at least once during the day and at night time).
• Guy ropes must not be shortened by cutting or knotting. The peg should be moved if more adjustment is required.
• In bad weather or strong winds tent doors should be closed to prevent damage / tearing of canvas.
• No nails or screws are to be hammered / screwed into tent poles.
• If opportunities arise during the week tents should be aired by raising the brailing using the ties.
3. Buildings & Rest of Site
Toilets and Showers
These should be thoroughly cleaned daily and should be left in a clean and tidy state at the end of your stay.
Please do not use bleach or other strong cleaners on painted floors as this destroys the paint.
Shower controls are pre-set. It should not be necessary to alter the settings as there is 100 gallons of hot water available and boilers are thermostatically controlled.
Paper towel dispensers are located in both shower rooms and also electric hand dryers.
Hirers are responsible for providing paper towels.
Kitchen & Quartermasters store
As an Approved Campsite, Bromley Camp Site are required to notify the local Environmental Health Service (Isle of Wight County Council) of the existence of the site together with the facilities being used for food preparation and cooking.
Whilst Bromley Camp Site will endeavour to provide adequate facilities for such preparation, it is down to the hirer to ensure appropriate food safety regulations are adhered to. It is your responsibility to keep the kitchen & QM stores and its equipment clean and hygienic at all times.
Bromley Camp Site expect the outgoing hirer to ensure these areas are clean for the next camp. If this is not the case the hirer may be asked to pay for any necessary cleaning.
We strongly recommend that at least one person on the QM/Cookhouse staff holds a current Food Safety Certificate so that proper procedures and standards can be maintained.
Dustbins (for general waste) and large wheelie bins (for recyclable items) are provided in the vicinity of the cookhouse/QM. The farmer arranges for the collection of all waste using two large containers by the main gate. One is for recyclable items as listed on Wheelie bins and one for non-recyclable.
Kitchen waste and slops, once they have been strained through the outside trap (to remove excess water), should be placed in plastic bags and ultimately put in the large container.
Please flatten all cardboard boxes and other recyclable items and place in recyclable Wheelie bins/ large containers. All rubbish / food waste must be placed in bags before being placed in any containers.
PLEASE ENSURE all recyclable items are washed out, placed in the recycle containers and not with general waste.
Cars, Minibuses and Coaches
There is ample parking space near to the gate, next to the hedge running along the site. Coach drivers are responsible for ensuring that their vehicles can negotiate the entrance and have sufficient clearance.
Note: There is a 5 mph speed limit on the site and the lane leading to the site.
4. Arrival & Departure
Advance parties
Not more than four in number are to arrive before the Main party. A tent is provided for an Advance party to use on the FRIDAY NIGHT. It is important to adhere to this, as it is unfair to intrude on the previous camp’s final evening with larger numbers, without prior arrangement.
Arrival of main party at Camp
The Camp Hire period commences at 12:00 Noon on the first Saturday. If you wish to arrive before this time this may be possible by prior arrangement with either Bromley Camp Site or the outgoing hirer. At no time should the site be left unattended.
We strongly advise you to book cars and coaches on ferries well in advance to be reasonably sure of suitable crossing times. Bromley Camp Site can arrange these through our Wightlink trade account if requested.
A Bromley Campsite representative will visit the site on the Saturday to oversee the changeover and deal with any queries or problems. No Bromley Staff are on site at other times.
It is in your own interest to check canvas, buildings and the inventory on arrival (a task often undertaken by the advance party)
Any damage or losses should be reported immediately otherwise your Camp may be held responsible and charged.
Departure time is 12:00 Noon and must be adhered to. The site must not be left unattended at any time. Advance and Rear-guard parties must be arranged, between hirers, to ensure cover is provided. If you do leave the site unattended prior to 12:00 Noon you will be responsible for any damage unless specific arrangements have been made. You will be notified of Units occupying before and after yourselves.
Please leave the site as you would wish to find it. All utensils must be properly cleaned and placed in their designated area. ALL buildings should be thoroughly cleaned out. Any silt should be removed from the drains in the shower blocks. Also dustbins should be emptied and litter around the field, collected and placed in the large containers.
Groundsheets, blankets should be gathered together as directed by the advance party of the incoming camp.
You should agree the final readings for Gas & electric with either the Bromley representative or the incoming camp.
5. Emergency Contact during Your Stay
Contact details for the local Doctors’ surgery, Hospital, Coastguard, emergency gas and electricity supplies and public telephone box are displayed on the notice Board in the Quartermaster’s store.
It is also attached as an Appendix to these conditions.
A map of the site is also located on the notice board in the quartermasters store and main marquee. This shows, among other things, Electricity and Gas supply and cut-off points and recommended Fire evacuation point in the field.
You must contact Keith Francis 01633 431321 (mobile No. 07722041148) giving details of any emergency that occurs concerning the site.
6. Risk Assessments
The Bromley Campsite provides a detailed Risk Assessment for the site that can be read/downloaded from our website: It also provides the ability for individual camps to add extra items for their own camp.
An officer leading a camp or holiday, of any duration involving at least one overnight stay and for any age group must hold a valid and up to date 'Camp and Holiday' leadership qualification.
For non-Boys’ Brigade groups the equivalent and approved qualification must exist.
1. There must be a comprehensive first aid kit provided.
2. Soap and water should be provided for hand washing.
3. Toilets must be cleaned daily.
4. Walls and floors must be kept clean.
5. Easy access to the marquee and cookhouse must be maintained.
6. Marquee and cookhouse walkways must be kept clear.
7. Waste and rubbish bin lids must be kept secure.
8. Waste disposal instructions must be followed.
9. Smoking is prohibited in all buildings, marquees, cookhouses and food preparation areas if conducted outside
10. A fire safety officer must be appointed
11. There must be a pre-determined fire drill and a pre- determined accident procedure known by everyone.
12. No naked flames are allowed in any tent used for sleeping or storage.
13. No barbeque equipment should be used inside tents at any time.
1. Simple instructions on camping under canvass must be given to all people on site.
2. At least two people should be trained and competent in handling and maintaining erected canvas.
3. All other camp sites are out of bounds at all times, unless a specific invitation is received.
4. An equipment officer must be appointed to be responsible for maintaining all equipment belonging to the site owner.
5. Hirers may be liable for any loss or damage.
6. Every assistance must be given to the site owner during changeover periods.
7. No alcohol is permitted on the site.
8. All vehicles must be parked in a safe position away from all canvas.
These are to be strictly observed and are as follows:
1. The Fields and Farm Buildings (Bembridge Farm) owned by the Landlord, other than the field let to the hirer, are out of bounds to all persons AT ALL TIMES. There is no access through these fields or the farm UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
2. The Site is to be kept free of tins, bottles, broken glass and any other waste and disposed of as directed.
3. Campers to make provisions for and attend to their own sanitary arrangements in the recognised way by organised Camps and all effluent to be emptied into their respective disposal point/underground tank.
4. Cooking to be by bottled gas or the like and NO FIRES are to be made on the Site or Beach or Cliffs adjoining Whitecliff Bay.
6. NO FIREARMS, including airguns, air pistols or any other dangerous weapons are allowed on the Site.
7. The Camp is to be so conducted that there will be no cause for complaint from those living in the vicinity or others camping or caravanning on our property. Officers in charge are requested to make sure this condition is strictly adhered to and that all musical instruments, record players and radios are operated ONLY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. IN ANY GIVEN DAY and then in such a manner as NOT TO CAUSE ANNOYANCE BY NOISE.
8. No tents other than those connected with the Camp using the Site are allowed to be pitched in the field.
9. Touring caravans and motor caravans are permitted if allowed by the hirer. All persons sleeping in this type of accommodation to be included in the total number of members using the camp.
10. KITE & DRONE FLYING - As Bembridge Airport is in close proximity to the Site, kite, drone or balloon flying is prohibited. It is an offence to fly these articles within 3 miles of an Airport. (Air Navigation Order 1954, Regulation 38).
11. Our Camping Sites and their amenities are let on the understanding that the Lessors are not held responsible for the state or conditions thereof or for any accidental damage or personal injury resulting from such use.
12. All property brought on to the Camping Site or which may be stored by arrangement remains at the sole risk of the Camp concerned or owner thereof and neither the Lessors nor their servants shall be liable for any loss or damage through, nor for any damage or loss to, any vehicle, its contents or any other effects, howsoever arising.
13. The Conditions are subject to alteration at any time deemed necessary.