Site facilities & Contacts
All enquiries need to be made to the following address:
Bromley Camp Site
Mr Keith Francis
18 Glen-Usk View
Newport Gwent
NP18 3FY
Telephone: 07722041148
Site facilities
The site is fully equipped for up to 100 with a minimum site charge for 35 persons. The basic charge includes all white canvas consisting of Sixteen - 14' x 14' Ridge Tents (one reserved for use of the following group's Advance party), One - 60' x 30' Main marquee and Two - 12' x 12' Marquees. Extra tents can be provided at additional cost as well as hire of camp beds and blankets. Please see charges section.
The Cookhouse and Quartermasters Store is a permanent building (block concrete construction with wood cladding) separately contained with a service hatch between the two.
The Cookhouse section contains two commercial mains gas cookers (6 rings on each), two large gas rings set at a low level to take larger pans and an electric water boiler. a double drainer kitchen sink, working surfaces and a small wash hand basin. It has ample kitchen utensils, details of which are supplied as part of the inventory.
Outside the cookhouse there is a drain with a grille over a sluice for emptying larger utensils and also waste containing fluid. Hot and cold water is available at this point as well as inside the cookhouse.
The Quartermasters store section contains a selection of large and small fridges and freezers (latest equipment given on Inventory. It also has working surfaces and plenty of shelving to hold groceries etc. A large stainless steel sink for food preparation is incorporated within stainless steel worktops throughout and a small wash hand basin is also provided for washing hands.
The Toilet & Shower block (block concrete construction with wood cladding) has 7 Flushing toilets (at the rear) that can be labelled for male or female, as required, plus 3 showers and ample washbowls in each of the separate male and female sections of the block. Hot water in this building (which measures overall 28' x 21' is supplied by two large gas boilers working in tandem in a specially constructed service duct. Temperatures to the showers are pre-set and controlled by a time lag push button for economy and to minimise vandalism. The boilers also provide hot water to the cookhouse and quartermasters store. Provided the pre-set timers are not altered and showers not excessively used these boilers provide the camps sufficient needs throughout the day.
Electricity is supplied to Marquees as well as the permanent buildings.
All essential equipment is supplied, including plates, mugs, soup/dessert dishes etc. We do NOT supply personal cutlery or tablecloths.
Waste is placed into sealed skips at the gate, one skip for recyclables and one for non-recyclables. These are inspected daily by the farmer’s contractor and emptied as necessary.
A full inventory will be provided prior to the start of the hire.
Site hire period
The site hire period is from 12 Noon Saturday to 12 Noon the following Saturday, unless other arrangements are made between hirers. It is expected that hirers will arrange for a small Advance Party (no more than 4 people) to be on site on the preceding Friday evening of the letting. The current hirer is obliged to permit a similar party to enter the site on the Friday evening before their departure. A tent is set aside, away from the main layout, to accommodate the advance party.
Bromley Camp Site is responsible for setting up and striking the camp. Hirers are not permitted to move sited canvas nor pitch their own tents on the site. Prior consent is required for the latter and Bromley Camp Site, for Health & Safety reasons, will state where they are to be sited.

New for 2019

The Kitchen (New cookers for 2024)